
Updated on January 5

  1. Dissertations
    1. Methodology of Shakedown Analysis of Elasto-Plastic Arches under Moving Loads ( in Polish), Doctoral Thesis, Cracow University of Technology (CUT), Faculty of Civil Engineering, 1974, 142 p.
    2. Finite Element Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Structures (in Polish). Habilitation Thesis, CTU, Zeszyty Naukowe, Basic Techn. Sci., No.38, 1986, xxx .p.
  2. Books
    1. Z. Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń and M. Radwańska: Finite Element Method in Stability of Structures (in Polish), Arkady, Warsaw, 1990, 373 p.
    2. Z. Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń and M. Radwańska: Stability of Structures by Finite Element Methods, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994, 468 p.
  3. Textbooks
    1. Z. Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń: Methods of analysis nonlinear problems of static and stability of structures. In: Selected problems of stability of structures (in Polish), Ossolineum,1987, (edit. Z. Waszczyszyn).
    2. Strength of materials - computer codes for teaching (in Polish). Edit. S. Piechnik, CUT, 1988.
    3. Cz. Cichoń, A. Tomana: Computer methods in civil engineering (in Polish). CUT, Cracow, 1991.
    4. Cz. Cichoń, B. Olszowski, A. Tomana, R. Wójtowicz: Majak - Matrix language of structure analysis (in Polish). CUT, Cracow, 1993.
    5. Cz. Cichoń: Introduction to the finite element method (in Polish). CUT, Cracow, 1994.
    6. Structural Mechanics - Computer Approach (in Polish). Chapter 10 by Z. Waszczyszyn and Cz. Cichoń: Fundamentals of nonlinear analysis of structures, pp. 191- xxx, Arkady, Warsaw, 1995, 327 p.
  4. Chapters in books, state-of-the-art papers and Published invited lectures
    1. Z.Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń: a) Efficient methods of solution of nonlinear FEM equation of (in Polish), Proc. 7th Polish Conf. Computer Methods in Structural Mechanics, Gdynia, 1985, Vol. 5, pp. 1127-1158; b) (in English) Wiss. Zeitschrrift der Univ. Rostock, 10, 37, 1988, pp. 29-38.
    2. Z. Waszczyszyn, M. Radwańska, Cz. Cichoń, E. Pabisek and K. Różycki: ANKA and MANKA computer codes as tools for teaching and training, in: Computer Design of Structures - Possibilities of Today Perspectives for the Future, Eds. G. Guerlement, M. Ivanyi, F. Papp, Proc.of Final Workshop Sponsored by TEMPUS JEP-0438, TU Budapest, Techn -cal Report of Dept. of Steel Structures, Vol. 1, pp. 15- xxxx
  5. Original papers
    1. Cz. Cichoń and Z. Waszczyszyn: Computation of circular elastic-plastic arch with sandwich cross-section (in Polish), Archiwum Inżynierii Lądowej, 3, 17, 1971, pp. 529-543.
    2. Cz. Cichoń, Limit analysis of arch with the effect of geometrical nonlinearities (in Polish). Czasop. Techn., Z.2-M(153), s.6-11, 1972.
    3. Cz. Cichoń and Z.Waszczyszyn: Computation of an elastic-plastic arch under moving load, Proc. Symp. Plastic Analysis of Structures, Jassy, Romania, 1972, pp. 145-158.
    4. Cz. Cichoń and Z. Waszczyszyn: Shakedown of an elastic-plastic arch under moving load, J. Structural Mechanics, 3, 3, 1974, pp. 273-290.
    5. Cz. Cichoń, Numerical analysis of elasto-plastic arches under moving loads (in Polish). XVII Polska Konf. Naukowa Mech. Ciała Stałego, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s.37-38, 1974.
    6. Cz. Cichoń, The shakedown of circular arches for movable loads . Rozpr. Inż., 23(4), p.641-656, 1975.
    7. L. Corradi, Cz. Cichoń, Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic trusses with unstable bars. XVII Polska Konf. Naukowa Mech. Ciała Stałego, Kozubnik, Mater. Konf., s.24, 1978.
    8. Cz. Cichoń, Numerical analysis of multiple cycles for materials with the linear hardening (in Polish).Arch.Budowy Maszyn, T.XXII, Z.4, s.399-406, 1975.
    9. J. Orkisz, Cz. Cichoń, Application of truss superelements and static condensation to the computation of free vibrations of energetics structures (in Polish). Mechanika, PAN, s.41-52, 1979.
    10. Cz. Cichoń and Z.Waszczyszyn: Numerical analysis of buckling of elastic-plastic plane frames (in Polish), Archiwum Inżynierii Lądowej, 1, 25, 1979, pp. 35-41.
    11. Cz. Cichoń, Application of current stiffness parameter to the large displacements analysis of structures (in Polish). IV Konf. Metody Komput. w Mech. Konstr., Koszalin, Mater. Konf., s.121-126, 1979.
    12. Cz. Cichoń, Nonlinear stability analysis of bar structures . XXII Polska Konf. Naukowa Mech. Ciała Stałego, Gołuń, Mater. Konf., s.40, 1980.
    13. Cz. Cichoń, Nonlinear stability analysis of trusses (in Polish). V Konf. Metody Komput. w Mech. Konstr., Wrocław, Mater. Konf., s.77-83, 1981.
    14. Cz. Cichoń, Stability analysis of elastic trusses . Fourth Congress on Theoret. Appl. Mech.,Warna, Bułgaria, Proc., p.195-201, 1981.
    15. Cz. Cichoń, E. Krzywolak, Z. Mendera, W. Reczek, Applying of the second order theory to analysis of miner structures (in Polish). XXVIII Konf. Nauk. KILiW PAN i KN PZITB, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s.27-33, 1982.
    16. Cz. Cichoń, Large displacements of elasto-plastic frames (in Polish). VI Konf. Metody Komput. w Mech. Konstr., Białystok, Mater. Konf., s. 125-133, 1982.
    17. Z.Waszczyszyn, Cz. Cichoń, Large displacements analysis of elastic-plastic trusses with unstable bars . Engng. Struct., Vol.3, October, p.210-218, 1981.
    18. Cz. Cichon, Large displacements in-plane analysis of elastic-plastic frames. Computer & Structures, Vol.19, No.5/6, p.737-745, 1984.
    19. CZ. Cichoń, Nonlinear stability analysis of elastic trusses (in Polish). Arch. Inż. Lądowej, T.XXIX, s.345-358, 1984.
    20. Cz. Cichoń, Stability analysis of elastic space trusses . Third Intern. Conf. Space Structures, Guildorf, Anglia, Proc.,p.567-571,1984.
    21. Cz. Cichoń, Numerical analysis of elasto-plastic frames (in Polish). XXX Konf. Nauk. KILiW PAN i KN PZITB, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s. 25-30, 1984.
    22. Cz. Cichoń, Numerical stability analysis of structures under multiple parameter loads (in Polish). VII Konf. Metody Komput. w Mech. Konstr., Gdynia, Mater. Konf., s. 154-163, 1985.
    23. Cz. Cichoń, FE stability analysis of structures under multiple parameter loads . Fifth Congress Theoret. Appl. Mech., Warna, Bułgaria, Proc., p.215-221, 1985.
    24. Cz. Cichoń, Nonlinear FE stability analysis of elastic structures under multiple parameter loads . 5th Conf. FEM and Variational Methods, Plzen, CSRS, 1986
    25. A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Application of FEM to the nonlinear concrete bar structures (in Polish). VIII Konf. Metody Komputer. w Mechanice, Warszawa-Jadwisin, Mater. Konf. T.1, s.37-43, 1987. Także: Polish-Hungarian Inter-Institute Seminar, Wola Zręczycka, 1987.
    26. A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, FEM numerical analysis of concrete bar structures (in Polish). XXXIII Konf. Naukowa KILiW PAN i KN PZITB, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s.312-317, 1987.
    27. Cz. Cichoń and Z.Waszczyszyn: Nonlinear stability analysis of structures under multiple parameter loads, Engineering Computations, 1, 5, 1988, pp. 10-14.
    28. Cz. Cichoń, A. Winnicki, Analysis of concrete bar structures under moving loads (in Polish). XXXIV Konf. Naukowa KILiW PAN iKN PZITB, Krynica, Mater. Konf., s.371-377, 1988. Also: Konf. Metody Komputer. w Mechanice, Kraków-Rytro, Mater, Konf., T.3, s.1133-1142, 1989.
    29. A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Z. Waszczyszyn, Nonlinear FEM analysis of concrete bar structures (in Polish). Arch. Inż. Lądowej, T.XXXVI, Z.1-2, s.29-61, 1990.
    30. Cz. Cichoń, Z. Waszczyszyn, A. Winnicki, FE analysis of R/C bar structures under moving loads . 2nd Intern. Conf. Computer Analysis and Computer Aided Design of Concrete Structures, Zell am See, Austria, Proc. Vol.B, p.1143-1154, 1990.
    31. Cz. Cichoń, Numerical methods of computationof critical boundaries on equilibrium manifolds . SMiRT11, Tokyo, Japonia, Proc. p.213-218, 1991.
    32. Cz. Cichoń, A. Winnicki, Bounding surface concept for plane stress model of concrete . GAMM Annual Scientific Conf., Kraków, Proc., p.11-12, 1991.
    33. Cz. Cichoń., A. Winnicki, Numerically convenient description of material with linear hardening . Arch. Bud. Maszyn, T.XXXVIII, Z.3, p.165-183, 1991.
    34. Cz. Cichoń, Numerical methods of computation of critical boundaries . IV Inter-Institute Seminar on Vibration and Buckling of Structures, Budapest, Węgry, Proc., p.23-24, 1992.
    35. Cz. Cichoń, A. Winnicki, New plane stress model for concrete . SMiRT12, Stuttgart, Niemcy, Proc. Vol.H, p.253-258, 1993.
    36. Cz. Cichoń, Effectiveness and accuracy of computation of stability boundary using TL approach and corotational formulation . XI Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Kielce-Cedzyna, Proc.I, p.223-230, 1993.
    37. Cz. Cichoń, A. Ciba, A. Winnicki, B. Witek, R. Wójtowicz, Application of the MANKA computer code to the nonlinear analysis of bar structures . XI Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Kielce-Cedzyna, Proc. I, p.209-222, 1993.
    38. A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Bounding surface plane stress model for concrete . XXIX Polish Solid Mechanics Conf., Rytro, Proc., p.35, 1992. Also: V Konf. Naukowa Problemy Komputerowe w Obliczaniu Budowli Ziemnych i Betonowych w Budown. Hydrotechnicznym, Korbielów, Proc., s.1-6, 1993.
    39. A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Model of concrete in plane stress under low cyclic loadings . Euro-C 1994, Comput. Modelling of Concrete Structures, Insbruck, Austria, Proc. Vol.II, p.175-184, 1994.
    40. Cz. Cichoń, A. Winnicki, Modelling problems of R/C deep beams using FEM . XII Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Warszawa-Zegrze, Proc. p.345-347, 1995.
    41. Cz. Cichoń, A. Ciba, Extrapolation methods of computation of critical loads of elastic structures . XII Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Warszawa-Zegrze, Proc., p.71-73, 1995.
    42. A. Wnnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Numerical analysis of the plain concrete model prediction for nonproportional loading path . Intern Conf. Computational Structures Technology, Budapest, Węgry, Proc. p.211-218, 1996.
    43. Cz. Cichoń, Z. Kępka and Z.Waszczyszyn: Stability of a cylindrical elastic-plastic panel under external pressure (in Polish), Rozprawy Inżynierskie, 1, 24, 1997, pp. 115-128.
    44. Cz. Cichoń, A. Ciba, Shakedown domains of a pre-loaded frames . Fifth Intern. Conf. Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, Hiszpania, Proc. Part 2, p.1761-1766, 1997.
    45. A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, FE analysis of R/C frames and deep beams under short-term loads . II Intern. Scientific Conf. on Analytical Models and New Concepts in Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Łódż, Proc., Vol.1, p.263-270, 1997.
    46. Cz. Cichoń, A. Ciba, Stability surface computation of geodesic domes . XII Polish Conf. Comput. Meth. in Mechanics, Poznań, Proc., Vol.1, p.263-270, 1997.
    47. Cz. Cichoń, J. Jaśkowiec, Parallel computing of structures with floating subdomains . IX Inter-Institute Seminar Nonstandard Information Processing in Structural Mechanics, Janowice, Proc., p.10, 1997.
    48. Cz. Cichoń and Z.Waszczyszyn: Buckling of elastic-plastic continuous beams (in Polish), Proc. 23nd Polish Civil Eng. Conf., Krynica, 1997, Vol. 1, pp. 25-31.
    49. A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Plastic model for concrete in plane stress state. Part I: Theory . J. Engrg. Mech., ASCE, Vol.124, No.6, p.591-602, June 1998.
    50. A. Winnicki, Cz. Cichoń, Plastic model for concrete in plane stress state. Part II: Numerical validation . J. Engrg. Mech., ASCE, Vol.124, No.6, p.603-613, June 1998.
    51. Cz. Cichoń, P. Pluciński, Improved Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures . XIV Conference Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 26-28 May 1999, p.293-294, 1999.
    52. Cz. Cichoń, P. Więckowski, Cable Structures Static Analysis - An FE Graphics Program in Delphi. XIV Conference Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 26-28 May 1999, p. 391-392, 1999.
    53. Cz. Cichoń, J. Jaśkowiec, Application of Element Free Galerkin Method to the Crack Growth Analysis in Plain Concrete Structures . European Conference on Computational Mechanics Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, Munich, Germany, August 31-September 3, 1999, p.,1999.
    54. Cz. Cichoń, J. Jaśkowiec, Analysis of Crack Growth in Quasi Brittle Materials . XIV Conference Computer Methods in Mechanics, Rzeszów, 26-28 May 1999, p.71-72, 1999.
    55. Cz. Cichoń, P. Pluciński, Static and buckling analysis of thin-walled frames with arbitrary open cross-section. Stability of Structures - IX Symposium, Zakopane 25-29.09. 2000, Mater. Konf. str. 29-36, 2000.
    56. Cz. Cichoń, P. Pluciński, S. Wszczyszyn,Buckling of thin-walled frames with partial warping restraint . Archives of Civil Engng., XLVI, 2, pp.244-254, 2000.
    57. Cz. Cichoń, J. Jaśkowiec, Coupling generalized FC model to meshless EFG method for crack growth analysis in quasi-brittle materials. CAMES, (to be published), 2001.

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